Bimbang dan Sedih terhadap dirimu yang ditimpa malang. Apabila aku mendapat tahu tentang dirimu, sayu hatiku mendengarnya. Saat pertama aku berjumpa denganmu - melihat keadaan lukamu, hatiku bertambah sedih, aku meracau mencari jalan untuk menolongmu. Namun demikian, aku tidak mempunyai apa apa, selain bantuan memanjatkan doa supaya engkau pulih dengan secepatnya Dan menolongmu apabila engkau memerlukan pertolongan. Setiap malam sebelum memejamkan mata, aku menangis berdoa, memanjatkan doa untukmu, agar engkau cepat pulih dan kembali sihat seperti dulu. Tatkala ku bertanya mengapa aku bimbang sehinggakan aku sendiri kebuntuan jalan dan jatuh sakit. Namun aku tidak pernah menyerah kalah, senantiasa aku berdoa siang dan malam demi kesihatanmu. Tiada satu pun yang tahu kecuali Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa, betapa hatiku, risau dan mengasihanimu.. Selang harian, engkau menunjukkan perubahan. Mampu berdiri dan berjalan dan senyuman yang terukir di wajahmu itu membuat aku tenang sama sekali gembira. Aku menangis, menitis airmataku semasa doa selepas solat Jumaat. Doa yang terakhir yang berbunyi " andai kata ada orang yang berkaitan dengan kita sedang sakit, pulihkanlah mereka secepat mungkin Ya Allah, dan mudah mudahan mereka yang sakit dijauhkan dari segala ancaman atau bahaya ". Hanya Tuhan yang tahu betapa aku sayang pada dirimu, tidak kira sebagai teman atau apapun.Namun Aku Dikejutkan lagi selepas itu, dengan berita baik yang engkau sampaikan. Engkau berjalan tanpa bantuan alat yang engkau gunakan. Aku menangis sekali lagi, menandakan kegembiraan dan bersyukur kepada Yang Maha Esa atas pemulihanmu yang Cepat. Allahu Akbar, Allah Maha Besar. Namun, Doaku untukmu tidak akan terhenti disini, aku akan terus berdoa buatmu supaya engkau pulih secepatnya dan kehidupanmu akan senantiasa indah dan ceria. AMIN!
eddy saadon
Still By Myself..!, Friday, March 26, 2010.
Never did any of my help to help you affected me. Everything I do, I do it for you. It may sound ridiculous that I'm concern much while you belongs to someone. But for me, friends have no boundaries. I felt like crying seeing your state. I felt like helping yet I can't. I only have my prayers for you, for your speedy recovery.
I thought it was a normal injury that usually people have. But when I heard more news about your condition, the wound, the pain, My heart became more worried. I became restless. NEver question why I felt that way, Its nature. I never expect you to face this situation. None except The God and me, know how I feel, How strong my prayers are for you. Yes, I miss you, nevertheless I lied to friends when they question me "You miss her right?"
I felt the change in me. I felt everything is different. I became more quiet than before. I became more serious. I joke lesser And I talk lesser. Situation are now different. My hopes remained the same. But I have to change my strategy. Sometimes, I have to sacrifice my dreams and hopes for the benefit of others. Hence, I got to let go, I got to realise sometimes, things won't go the way we wished it to be.
That's all I can say. The tears that broke, when I saw the injury you had made me realised, how important someone could be. All the best for you, And speedy recovery aite :)
Still By Myself..!, Tuesday, March 23, 2010.
Hey guys. What's up? It's been raining all day and imagine my bike parts are as cold as ice. Thought of riding but the next minute I went outside my house, It rained like it never rain before. (?) haha. So Holidays ending. I don't feel like its a holiday either, just a break. Holidays will be after My Olevels. Thats where I work, Ride and enjoy. Oh.
DAD told me last two days. " Eddy, I tell you something, Don't find girlfriend or get married early. Not because I disallow, its because you must Enjoy first. Study, work, earn big amount of money, buy whatever you want like motorbike or cars. Then when you had enough of this then get married". I was like, YA HOR!. Suddenly Mum added in " Girls give you love But more of pain.. Now they only want to joke around. For what? Nowadays, most girls can't be trusted. " I was sumhow yeah true..A vision was made clear, the reasons was discussed thoroughly. The conclusion was made wisely. Whatever I have to let go, I have to let go. Syaza told me, For now, everything is just friends. When we are adults, when its fated, then its our fate. I agree with what Syaza said. Being friends, is better than Steady. Why? When you fight, you can get back together and forgive and forget. But for steady wise, Once hate, Means hate forever.. I agree..
For now, the vision was made clear, Study comes first. Now, I wait for nobody, instead, an extra boost will make me fly. Its time, to take myself away.. I have to go through all the obstacle and hence, make my way through. And for frens, we remain frens. Close frens, we remain too. Lets push all the feelings of special "love" aside and we walk the narrow lane, together..
* I'm not a stalker if you targeted me. Go aheadand say what you want. Cause I'm not affected atall. Yes I've Changed, its was for my own good.I'm Independent now "*
Still By Myself..!, Saturday, March 20, 2010.
Holidays are coming, yet I've got no Idea what to do except spending the time to study. I want to spend the time well.. Today was the last day for the term. So yeah class slacked. Hence I got adrift too. HAHA.. After recess was starting to feel the warmth of nature..
During Bio, did some work. With the class so messed up plus teacher didn't come. So yeah. Everybody laze around and yeah i start to feel lethargic and becoming more restless. Despite drinking loads of water, I still feel thirsty.. Hence I slept..
" I want to say something, don't be sad and goodbye" *
The power of words. The power of dreams. But if the powers went too extreme, you will break down due to overheating.
I Will Still Wait..
Still By Myself..!, Friday, March 12, 2010.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Thinking far, yet I have to move. Now you and me, is like the light infront of me..Unclear, Unreachable, Uncontactable, and VERY FAR. I got to go far. I must move... I stop hoping. I can't hope for you.. I need to be brave.. I will be Independent...
Still By Myself..!, Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
Behind every smile, lies a pain which is undescribable. I got to know from a Workshop, A guy said, girls prefer being straight forward. Hence, I wanted to be straight forward, but I'm afraid you would avoid me another round. Yes I'm saying this, I'm still having the feelings for you. I still love you indeed. Truly, I didn't not give up, its just that I'm taking a break. However, You pounded me with a question last year, "You still have that for me?" The question that I always think of.
Alrite, new riders came in. Not new actually, legendary rider. Rode ard with him. Learn tricks from him. Omg. Its extreme. He gave me this quote, "you won't know unless you try". I tried the tricks, I nearly landed it. Despite the height and the speed I have to face, I tried and believed, In the end, It was 90% successful. I went to him and said, you were very true.. He smiled.
So yesterday had seminar for english language at Woodlands Regional Library, Met up Hilmi, Dzul, Rusydi, Hisham and Azmee at Yew Tee.. Proceeded and met up with Serinna and Pineapple. Wani, ur denim wear is it? Can keep a kangaroo I guess. HAHA! Through out the Seminar, I nearly fell asleep, Mid way, we thought of going home. Yet we stayed because its a waste of time and money. So we completed the course :D
Went home, oh no, I didn't go home, went to meet SYAZA AMALINA with her Flowery Uniform. HAHA! You so small. Can't see.. Yeah, nice meeting you..
Thats all for today, getting good rapport with friends or your connection is what you need to succeed.
Still By Myself..!, Sunday, March 07, 2010.